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Guild Level:  13
SP Cost:      100 spell points
Skill:        Telepathy
Syntax:       mindlink <player/s>

As a psion, you can use your mental power to send and receive telepathic messages to other players. You achieve this by creating a mental link to the players you wish to communicate with. The number of players you may simultaneously link to is determined by your skill in telepathy and your wisdom. You may link any player, including non-psions, and only the psion who initiated the link may terminate it. Individual adventurers, however, may sever their portion of the link and stop receiving messages.

Once the link is established, you may use the following commands:
* link <message> - normal message
* elink <message> - emoted message
* unlink - disrupts the link
* last link - displays the last lines typed on the link.
