Quicksand (Druid Skill)

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Guild Level:  17
SP Cost:      75 spell points
Skill:        Earthshaping
Syntax:       quicksand

When the foes are numerous and the druid is outnumbered, a little natural help can quickly reverse the odds. By altering the composition of the soil surrounding you, you can create a deadly quicksand pit, which will entrap all of your current enemies and impede their movement. Eventually the enchantment will cease and the soil will harden again; the duration of the quicksand pit is dependent on your earthshaping skill. When used in a naturally earthy terrain, the lore gains extra power.


Qucksand not only stuns (prevent the attacks of) every foe currently engaged in combat with the druid, but also holds them in place at their current location and prevents them from fleeing. If a foe does not automatically attack the druid upon the druid's entrance to their location, the druid must engage the foe in combat prior to casting quicksand. No other guild has a stun or roomhold skill that affects groups of foes, which make druids most capable of defeating them.

A level 36 a druid, who chose the shapechange form of mole and has a 90 earthshaping skill, can quicksand their foes for approximately 11 rounds. Quicksand may be cast once every 6 rounds and therefor may be stacked in order to ensure the druid's foes have no opening to harm the druid or flee from the druid.

Quicksand takes one round to cast and cannot fail, however some foes can only be stunned for a limited period of time or not at all.