Regenerate (Druid Skill)

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Guild Level:  13
SP Cost:      7 spell points every 4 seconds until stopped
              28 endurance points every 4 seconds in bear form
Skill:        Regrowth
Syntax:       regenerate [stop]

Directly tapping into the natural power, a druid may begin accumulating hit points at a profoundly increased rate, expending spell points to this end.

A druid whose spirit is merged with that of a bear may use this lore for 28 EP every 4 seconds if he or she is shapechanged and all SP is exhausted.


Please note that once a druid begins regenerating they can not use any other lore therefor it is not wise to regenerate while in combat. Stopping the regeneration is not instant and will take a second.

If a druid moves from their current location to another location, their regeneration will be interrupted and will stop.

Regenerate replenishes the health of the druid at a higher health point per spell point ratio than rejuvenate. Once a druid's health is completely healed regenerate automatically stops and if the druid wishes to regenerate again they must cast the lore once more.