Stormsong (Bard Skill)

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Level : 9
Skill : Charm
Syntax : stormsong, stormsong off
Cost : 100 sp

In older times, bards were often employed on long sea journeys. Legend told their songs could charm and placate wind and water, ensuring a safe and rapid voyage. Our modern, somewhat weaker, stormsong hails from that tradition. Stormsong calls upon muse and fortune to guard you, warding you from damage and sometimes letting you avoid it altogether. Once invoked, your stormsong protects you until next you leave the realm.


Stormsong is, by far, one of the least appreciated wards in the Realm. It only drops if you die or log out. It raises your armor class as well as gives you lucky chances to miss getting hit. Always make sure to get an inspire before casting it and if you have access to luck or charm skill boosting equipment, equip it before casting as well!

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