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Level:  18

Sphere: Summoning/Enchantment

Syntax: talisman

Cost:   75 sp and 1 crown coin

   By this prayer a cleric creates and enchants a very special and potent

item that contains the power to return its user to the temple. Once

created, the item can be used at any time. When the item is then invoked,

the mystical divine energies are released, and the user is transported

to the temple. When created, there is always a small chance that some

type of error occured, and the item will not function once used, based

on the guild level and enchantment power of the cleric, and on

the player level of the invoker. For low-level players the gods

are unlikely to grant the request.

The cleric must have, in his possession, one crown coin; the gods

will transform this coin into the charged talisman. The player who

invokes the talisman must be of the same ethos as the cleric who

created it, and must not be out of alignment at the time the

talisman is invoked.