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Guild Level:  17
SP Cost:      35 spell points
Skill:        Psychoportation
Syntax:       teleport <#>, <set #>, <sites>

By memorizing the exact details and point in space of a certain location, you can scramble your molecules and reform them in that locale. This means of transport is almost instantaneous, the only delay being the complete recollection of the desired spot, and the time to scramble and reform your molecular structure.

The number of sites you can memorize at the same time varies with your guild level. To memorize a site, you use 'teleport set #', and to teleport to that site, you would use 'teleport #'. To view a list of the sites memorized you can type 'teleport sites'.


You can set a maximum of 9 sites. Site 0 defaults at Psion Guild, but this can be reset if need be.

Set sites will be lost when you log out.