Totem (Elementalist Rite)

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Guild Level:      13
SP Cost:          2 x stored
Lore:             Water
Minimum Skill:    30
Acceptable Lores: All
Syntax:           totem <#> stores essence
                  totem <retrieve> retrieves essence

The use of a small object to focus one's devotions has been used for training for generations. This rite enables a skilled elementalist to siphon a portion of their soul into a small totem. This totem may then be used at a later time to revive one's flagging health and spiritual well being. However, remember the lesson of Tyne Springard, who sacrificed so much of himself to his totem that his physical body became a mere shell and was killed by his devotions.


This area should contain player-contributed commentary, explanations, and clarifications of the rite.